A Blast from the Past!
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Pine Hills Country Club, 4914 Superior Avenue, Sheboygan
10 a.m. Social Hour and Study Group Sign-Up
11 a.m. Luncheon
12 – 1:30 Business Meeting and Program
Program: Annual Fall Brunch
- Pick up your yearbook directory
- Congratulate Angelica Menzynski, Rebecca Stewart and Rebecca Wampler, this years’s local scholarship recipients, who were each awarded $3,000.
Presenter: Diane M., Scholarship Foundation President
Hostess: Diane M.
Monday, October 7, 2024 (Zoom Meeting)
6:00 p.m. Short Branch Business Meeting
6:30 p.m. Presenter: Dr. Rebecca Nesvet
This talk will provide a whirlwind tour of transgender authors and characters in British and American literature. We’ll discuss how these authors and characters articulate transgender experiences and why, until recently, they haven’t been read together as a trans-formative literary canon.
Hostess: Diversity Committee
Monday, November 4, 2024
First Congregational Church, 310 Bluff Avenue, Sheboygan
6:00 p.m. Short Branch Business Meeting
6:30 p.m. Presenter – Gail Wilke, M.S. Ed.
(Workplace Literacy Program Co-Coordinator, Family Resource Center of Sheboygan County)
Program: “Language Barriers and Opportunities in the Workforce”
This presentation will address the changes in our increasingly diverse workforce and community. Strategies tips and solutions for communicating with an increasingly culturally-diverse workforce will be discussed. This session will address obstacles, strategies and successes when working with employees who may not have English as their first language. It will also give real life tips on successfully communicating with someone whose first language is not English.
Hostess: Evening Book Discussion Study Group
Wednesday, December 4, 2024 – Holiday Social
Sheboygan Yacht Club, 214 Pennsylvania Avenue, Sheboygan
5:00 p.m. Sign-up for January Soup Lunch
5:45 p.m. Short Branch Business Meeting
6:00 p.m. Dinner – Feel free to bring a guest.
7:00 p.m. Program
Program: Hmong Dancers
Music: . Audrey B.
Hostess: Dolcye J.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
First Congregational Church, 310 Bluff Avenue, Sheboygan
9:30 a.m. Board Meeting
10:30 a.m. Program
11:30 a.m. Branch Business Meeting
12:00 Noon. Pot Luck Soup Luncheon
Program: Not Your Mother’s Feminism: Contemporary Feminism and Equity
Ever had questions about feminism but were afraid to ask? Have you ever wondered why this term gets such a visceral reaction from people, so much so that many female-identifying people refuse to embrace it? This discussion will walk us through the different waves of feminism to help us to understand the good, the bad and the ugly of feminism and the feminist movement and explain how we are now at a place where contemporary feminism seeks to embrace inclusion, diversion and equity for all genders, orientations, ethnicities and abilities.
Hostesses: Sonja C., Grace H. Laura N., Natasha T.
Monday, February 3, 2025 – Open to the Public
Mead Public Library, 710 North 8th St., Sheboygan
NO Branch Business Meeting!
6:30 p.m. Presenter: George Penn, Wisconsin United to Amend
Program: Big Money in Politics – A Continued Threat to Women’s Economic Equity, and Much More
George will provide a concise history of too much money in politics, how too much money undermines our democracy, why we need a U.S. constitutional amendment to correct this problem, and the movement being built to restore our republic by passing this amendment and more.
Hostess: Public Policy Committee
March 3, 2025
First Congregational church, 310 Bluff Avenue, Sheboygan
5:00 p.m. Board Meeting
6:00 p.m. Branch Business Meeting
6:30 p.m. Presenter: Mary Lynne Donohue
Program:. Included and Excluded: Low-Income Women and the Voting Process
Mary Lynne will share her research pertaining to low-income women’s attitudes concerning voting which include some surprising results. Her talk will address how low-income women and others approach feeling included or excluded as citizens. This topic is particularly important and timely as we approach April state and local elections.
Hostess: WWW Study Group
Monday, April 7, 2025
First Congregational Church, 310 Bluff Avenue, Sheboygan
6:00 p.m. Program
Presenters: Hasina Begum and Roshida Begum, AlaaAlhmed and Ashraf Albakeer
Program: Strangers in a Strange Land
Refugees from Myanmar and Syria will tell their story and talk about the challenges of starting a new life in Sheboygan.
7:00 p.m. Annual Branch Business Meeting – Vote on New Officers and Budget
Wednesday, May 7, 2025 – Bring a Guest
Sheboygan Yacht Club, 214 Pennsylvania Avenue, Sheboygan
5:00 p.m. Gathering/Silent Auction
6:00 p.m. Spring Banquet Dinner
6:45 p.m. Short Business Meeting and Program
Program: Announcement of the AAUWSheboygan Honoree(s) and installation of officers.
Enjoy the beautiful lake view from the Sheboygan Yacht Club. Place your bids for the items in our Ways and Means Silent Auction. Feel free to bring a guest or prospective member.
Hostess: Ruth Rank
Saturday, September 16, 2025 – Bring a Guest
Fall Brunch Pine Hills Country Club, 4914 Superior Avenue, Sheboygan
Hostesses: The Scholarship Foundation